2,600 kWp - One of the largest photovoltaic systems in Austria on the roofs of Laakirchen Papier AG
Conserving resources by using recycled paper, the continuous optimization of the production process and the use of renewable energy are the focus of the environmentally friendly value chain of Laakirchen Papier. “Our products are made from 100 % recycled fibers. In addition to our hydropower plant, our roofs also supply green energy from now on.” says CEO Thomas Welt.
Heinzel Energy, the renewable energy company of the Heinzel EMACS Group, installed almost 8,000 photovoltaic modules on selected roof areas at the location, with a total installed output of 2,600 kWp. “Workshops, warehouses and even the roofs of the two paper machines were covered with PV. A total of around 13,000 square meters is used for production of green energy – one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic systems in Austria”, explains Christoph Heinzel, Managing Director of Heinzel Energy.
The plant which went into operation a few days ago, supplies 2.6 GWh of green electricity per year. This is enough to supply up to 600 households with electrical energy. Furthermore, around 700 tons of CO2 are saved every year.
„It is very important to us to promote Heinzel Energy projects in the field of renewable energy from solar, wind or water power and we are pleased that Laakirchen Papier is a pioneer here too”, says Christian Hufnagel, Managing Director of Kraftwerk Laakirchen GmbH and project manager of the PV plant at Laakirchen Papier.
The next photovoltaic roof system is already planned. In the next few months, additional PV modules will be installed on the roof area of the sister company Zellstoff Pöls AG – a total output of 1,000 kWp.